Sound Ideas

           Episode List

#426 - New Wax, New Grooves #425 - Dealer's Choice #424 - Dealer's Choice #423 - Tone Poet & Acoustic Sounds - Part XIX #422 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part XVIII #421 - What's New in 2025? #420 - In Memoriam, 2024, part II #419 - In Memoriam, 2024, part I #418 - 21st Century Christmas Jazz #417 - 20th Century Christmas Jazz #416 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part XVII #415 - Checkin' Out: Q, Roy & Lou #414 - Scat, Cat! #413 - Standing the Test of Time #412 - Small Town Contemplation #411 - Great Tenors #410 - Soulful Big Bands #409 - Autumn & October, Again #408 - Smilin' & Upbeat #407 - What's New, Autumn '24? #406 - Jazz Meets Poetry Once Again #405 - Caribbean Vibe #404 - New Sounds From Smoke Sessions #403 - Baseball, Bob & Some Blues #402 - Chill Tunes for a Hot Summer Day #401 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part XVI #400 - Happy Birthday Me #399 - Happy Birthday USA #398 - 37 Years Ago I Was Diggin' This #397 - Blue Hue Review No. 19 #396 - Thanks, David #395 - Some Serious Swing #394 - Musical Dance #393 - Finger Poppin' Small & Large #392 - Encompassing Time #391 - Latin Flair #390 - Thanks, Tootie #389 - Tone Poet & Contemporary Sounds - Part XV #388 - Exercising the Mind #387 - Big & Bold #386 - Hard Bop 'til You Drop #385 - Blue Hue Review No. 18 #384 - Time to March #383 - You Know, Joe? #382 - Just Chillin' #381 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part XIV #380 - Relatively Recent #379 - Startin' Anew? #378 - Swingin' in the Sky #377 - Bebop & Beyond Holiday #376 - Holidays, Travel & Snow #375 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part XIII #374 - Big & Old, Small & New #373 - Swingin' Halloween #372 - More CTI Records #371 - CTI Records #370 - Autumn's Arrival #369 - Less Common Instruments #368 - Toe Tappin' & Finger Poppin' #367 - Singing Outside of the Box #366 - Hard Bop to Hip Hop #365 - Ensemble Singin' that's Swingin' #364 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part XII #363 - Smooth Edges #362 - A Smile on Your Face #361 - Joy #360 - Beautiful Ballads #359 - Gettin' Out and About #358 - Tongue 'n Cheek #357 - Diggin' Some Mo' Green #356 - Diggin' Some Green #355 - Tone Poet & Contemporary Sounds - Part XI #354 - Takin' It on the Cool Side #353 - Blue Hue Review No. 17 #352 - Where Did the Time Go? Part III #351 - Where Did the Time Go? Part II #350 - Where Did the Time Go? Part I #349 - The Long & Shorter of it #348 - Cool Cookin' #347 - So Much 2 Say #346 - Lady Day & John Coltrane #345 - Wanderin' for an Hour #344 - A Broader Perspective #343 - Tone Poet & Contemporary Sounds - Part X #342 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part IX #341 - Turnin' in the Room Keys #340 - Diggin' St. Vince & Friends #339 - Some All-Time Favorites #338 - Turkey Day Spread #337 - Favorites Revisited #336 - Jazz+ #335 - What's New? #334 - Tracks Less Explored #333 - October, Autumn, etc. #332 - Godspeed Mr. Lewis #331 - The Bookends of Life #330 - Piano Players Performing #329 - Farewell Joey #328 - Journey on the Rails #327 - Simply Straight Ahead #326 - Bones Aplenty #325 - Unusual Instrumentation #324 - Layin' it Down #323 - Quintessentially Quintets #322 - Wishin' on Water #321 - It's All in the Groove #320 - More Paternal Instincts (Father's Day) #319 - Slidin' into Summer #318 - Heatin' Up #317 - Blue Hue Review No. 16 #316 - Comfort Jazz Continues #315 - Comfort Jazz #314 - What's New in '22 too? #313 - What's New in '22? #312 - Movin' #311 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part VIII #310 - Lightin' a Fuse #309 - Brash Big Band #308 - Groovin' Right Along #307 - Terrific Tenors #306 - Vocals on Tap #305 - Piano Pyrotechnics #304 - My Dearly Departed #303 - My Dear Departed Past #302 - Christmas Jazz Never Gets Old #301 - A Study in Blue Too #300 - A Study in Blue #299 - Purple or Violet = Cool #298 - November Sounds #297 - Tone Poet & Acoustic Sounds - Part VII #296 - Jazz Has Many Houses #295 - Autumnal Listening #294 - Personal Favorites III #293 - Personal Favorites II #292 - Personal Favorites I #291 - Four Cool Clark(e)s #290 - Swing, Swing, Swing #289 - Saxophoninally Speaking #288 - Looking South #287 - Snarky Stuff #286 - Lunar Tunes #285 - Tone Poet & Acoustic Sounds - Part VI #284 - Swingin' All the Way #283 - Current Grooves #282 - California Homeland #281 - Turnin' It All Around #280 - Happy Go Lucky? #279 - Expectin' the Unexpected #278 - Latin Sounds #277 - Swingin' Standards and Big Bands #276 - What's New? #275 - Waiting #274 - The Beat Moves On #273 - Blue Hue Review No. 15 #272 - Checking Out Chick, Who Checked Out #271 - Life's Challenges #270 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part V #269 - Groovin' Along the Way #268 - Seeking a New Day #267 - Island Trips #266 - Departed Cats - Part II #265 - Departed Cats - Part I #264 - Yuletide that Swings #263 - Stuffy Turkey #262 - Stringin' Along #261 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part IV #260 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part III #259 - Halloween Spooks Return #258 - Smooth Around the Edges #257 - Jazz Reflects on Classical #256 - Hangin' with Hep Cats #255 - Triumphant Trios #254 - Centurion Parker #253 - Blue Hue Review No. 14 #252 - Semiquincentennial Lollapalooza +2 #251 - Semiquincentennial Lollapalooza +1 #250 - Semiquincentennial Lollapalooza #249 - Drivin' Through Life #248 - Soulful Sounds #247 - Ridin' the Rails #246 - Soulful Spontaneity #245 - Swingin' Big Bands #244 - Jimmy and Lennie #243 - Sunshine and Summer #242 - Summer and Sunshine #241 - Dealer's Choice II #240 - Dealer's Choice #239 - Bye, Bye, Richie #238 - Eternal Flame #237 - Suddenly Gone #236 - Funky, Funky, Soul #235 - A Lot of Swing #234 - Powerin' On Thru #233 - Latin Flair #232 - Piano, Trumpet, and Tenor #231 - The Classic Groove #230 - Mellow Moods #229 - Chillin' and Groovin' #228 - 2 for 1, With or Without #227 - Completing the Cycle #226 - The Quiet Storm #225 - Cool Cats Who Checked Out #224 - Christmas Cheer #223 - Songs Sung #222 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part II #221 - Tone Poet Heavyweights - Part I #220 - Trios and Time Change #219 - Halloween Spooks #218 - Organ, Big Band, and Brazil #217 - Artistic Journey Through Time #216 - Blue Hue Review No. 13 #215 - Peace Is Where You Find It #214 - Starry-Eyed Standards #213 - Great Grooves and Guitars #212 - Chillin' with Old Friends #211 - New Gems #210 - Big Bad Band #209 - American Classic #208 - Memories, Journeys, and Change #207 - Organizationally Sound #206 - Summer and BBQ #205 - Sax and Stuff #204 - Old and New Coming Together #203 - Things We Heard Today #202 - Lifetime - Part III #201 - Lifetime - Part II #200 - Two Centuries and a Lifetime #199 - Blue Hue Review No. 12 #198 - Jazz Ain't Nothing But Soul #197 - Chillin' With a Few Friends #196 - Small, Large, and Medium #195 - An Adventurous Stroll #194 - Oscar, With Love #193 - What Comes to Mind #192 - Word Jazz and Poetry #191 - Greasy Grooves #190 - A Little Decompression #189 - The Darker Hue #188 - Love and Friendship #187 - Tell the Whole Story #186 - Tinklin' the Ivories #185 - Cold, Dark, Stormy & Windy Winter #184 - Turnin' the Corner #183 - Transitions 2018 #182 - End of Year Joy #181 - Giving Thanks #180 - The More, The Merrier #179 - Flights, Skies, and Stars #178 - Stop and Listen to the Music #177 - Blue Hue Review No. 11 #176 - Stretchin' Out #175 - Some Familiar Feelings #174 - Cool Grooves #173 - Bigger Is Better #172 - Hearty Hard Bop #171 - In Search of... #170 - Songs of Summer #169 - Swingin' Incredibles #168 - The Indelible Groove #167 - Chillin' with a Hard Edge #166 - Blue Hue Review No. 10 #165 - Light Hearted, Not Light Headed #164 - Not the Hits #163 - Removing the Hat, Once Again #162 - Green is the Color #161 - Chillin' and Chattin' #160 - Second Century Jazz, a 2nd Time #159 - Second Century Jazz #158 - An Alternative Reality #157 - The Only Constant Is Change #156 - Waiting #155 - Live, Long, and on the Edge #154 - New and/or Renewed #153 - Well, Organized #152 - Blue Hue Review No. 9 #151 - Cycling Through Reality #150 - Transitions #149 - The Most Wonderful Time to Swing #148 - Yule Beboppin' #147 - Blue Hue Review No. 8 #146 - Autumn, Fall, and Travels #145 - Fairy Tales #144 - California AKA The West Coast #143 - Happy Time Tunes #142 - A Tad Chill #141 - Hard Bop ReBop #140 - Getting into the Groove #139 - More Jazz in Uncommon Time #138 - Fresh Sounds and Interpretations #137 - Large Ensembles #136 - The Orange and Yellow of Summer #135 - The Color Red #134 - Pining Blue #133 - 10:00 Minute Minimum #132 - Blue Hue Review No. 7 #131 - Looking South For Direction #130 - Al Fly Home #129 - Slightly Different #128 - Mood Swings #127 - More Jazz in TV #126 - Kick Starter Grooves #125 - Remembering Those Who Passed #124 - Swingin' Yule #123 - Christmas Grooves #122 - Blue and Green Xmas #121 - The Most Wonderful Time of the Year #120 - Piano Players - Part VI #119 - Piano Players - Part V #118 - Piano Players - Part IV #117 - Piano Players - Part III #116 - Piano Players - Part II #115 - Piano Players - Part I #114 - Autumn and October #113 - Jump, Jive, An' Wail #112 - Takin' My Time #111 - A Fresh Take on a Proven Concept #110 - Blue Hue Review No. 6 #109 - Bobby, Jean, and Rudy #108 - A Solid Swingin' Affair #107 - The Coast, Water, and Sea #106 - Soul Food #105 - Thelonious Sphere Monk #104 - Tightknit Vocal Harmonies #103 - Beyond Mainstream #102 - Reaching for a Broader Truth #101 - Time Marches On #100 - Working through Life's Emotions   #99 - Freedom's Anniversary   #98 - Taking the Stand and Taking Charge   #97 - Paternal Instinct (Father's Day)   #96 - Relaxin' on a Summer Evening   #95 - The Music of Bill Holman   #94 - Listening at Jazz Camp   #93 - Blue Hue Review No. 5   #92 - Fresh Sounds   #91 - Jazz of Canada, eh?   #90 - A Family Affair   #89 - Jazz Brothers   #88 - Swingin' Along Down the Road   #87 - Friday Night Meets Sunday Morning   #86 - A Trio of Suites   #85 - Sun   #84 - Rain   #83 - Turning It Around   #82 - Reflecting on Human Interaction   #81 - Bouncing Angular   #80 - Horace Ward Martin Tavares Silver   #79 - Poetry, Jazz, and the Beat   #78 - Slightly Bigger Band   #77 - Jazz in 3:00 Time   #76 - Deep Exploration   #75 - Remembrance   #74 - Reflection   #73 - Celebration   #72 - Have Yourself a Very Merry Xmas   #71 - A Not So Blue Xmas   #70 - The Twelve Swings of Christmas   #69 - Blue Hue Review No. 4   #68 - Autumn   #67 - A Point in Time   #66 - Jazz from Outer Space   #65 - An Hour's Slice   #64 - Bad or Blue?   #63 - The Number Four   #62 - Sir Charles Birdingly Parker   #61 - Groovin' Along   #60 - Affirming the Goal   #59 - Taking a Walk Outside   #58 - Improv Is What It's About   #57 - Swingin' Songs   #56 - Tracks in Between   #55 - Winding Down   #54 - Afro-Cuban Sounds   #53 - Big Band and Boogie   #52 - Spring Has Sprung   #51 - 1 Brecker, 2, and 3   #50 - Thought About Thinking   #49 - Hard Bop and Some Blues   #48 - Something Old and Something New   #47 - Soul Jazz   #46 - Subtly Swingin'   #45 - Just Because   #44 - Yuletide Treats   #43 - Piano, Weather, and the Donald   #42 - Trying Something New   #41 - Blue Hue Review No. 3   #40 - Female Vocalists   #39 - Jazz in TV   #38 - Chillin' Out   #37 - Nocturnal Thoughts   #36 - Magic, Piano, and Blues   #35 - Exploration and Exposition   #34 - Latin Jazz   #33 - Remembering Sunday Nite   #32 - Organized   #31 - Good Vibes   #30 - Rent Party   #29 - Top Notch Listening Music   #28 - A Jazz Oasis   #27 - Jazz Rock Fusion   #26 - Jazz in Uncommon Time   #25 - Steve Allen Interviews   #24 - Straight Talk   #23 - Jazz for Listening   #22 - Big Band Jazz   #21 - Musical Joy   #20 - Cool School   #19 - Hot and Mellow   #18 - Blue Hue Review No. 2   #17 - Stretching the Edge   #16 - Christmas Jazz   #15 - Simple Creativity   #14 - Creative Expression   #13 - Celebration of Song   #12 - Playing in Jazz Band   #11 - Blue Hue Review No. 1   #10 - Deep Cuts     #9 - Favorite Chair     #8 - People, Past and Present     #7 - Musical Tootsie Pop     #6 - Audio Odyssey     #5 - Feeling Good     #4 - Cruising in San Francisco     #3 - Running the Circuit     #2 - Ground Transportation     #1 - Art at Its Best

#301 A Study in Blue Too

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Colors are multifaceted. While they describe a wavelength of reflected light, they can also be descriptors of mood. The color blue has certainly borne its share in this regard. In this hour, we continue our exploration of how jazz musicians weave the color blue, mood, and feelings into a tapestry of sound.

Artist Track Album
Gene Ammons Blue Roller The Gene Ammons Story: the 78 Era
Clarence Penn Solato's Morning Blues Dali in Cobble Hill
Jean-Luc Ponty Once a Blue Planet Civilized Evil
Julie London About the Blues About the Blues
Red Garland My Blue Heaven When There Are Grey Skies
Maynard Ferguson Blue Birdland Conducts the Birdland Dreamband Vol. 1 and 2
Jan Garbarek Group Blue Sky Photo with Blue Sky, White Cloud, Wires,
   Windows and a Red Roof
Ken Nordine Azure Colors
Earl Klugh Goodtime Charlie's Got the Blues The Best of - Vol. 2
The Modern Jazz Quartet Bluesology Fontessa
Bobby McFerrin Blue Bossa The Best of Bobby McFerrin
Benny Carter Blue Lou Jazz Giant