Spring is a transition from the cold
and dark winter to the warm and bright summer.
In some places, it is the perfect Goldilocks
climate, not too cold, and not too hot.
Spring is also a time of reflection and
preparation. It is also the time of holiday
traditions and looking ahead to hopefully
prosperous planting, growing, and ultimately
harvesting season. There is so much about
Spring worthy of song, and that's what this
hour is all about.
We begin with the celebration of the
joy of Spring from Karrin; her voice and
lyricism delivers the message of hope and
renewal. Likewise Ben sings and Freddie
plays telling us of the joy found in the
heart come Springtime. This is the original
version by Freddie of his composition. Wynton
closes out the second set with notice that
sometimes, even the seasons, are subject
to delay, regardless of our particular preference.
Our third set delivers future, present,
and past visitations of the season while
the fourth set ponders the difficulty that
Spring can bring.
We close out with instrumental classic
by Clifford Brown, which indeed reminds
us that Spring can and should be a joyful
season. It's not that the other feelings
will never be a part of Spring, but rather
Spring is the time of the thaw and change;
let's celebrate the new growth as the year